Mercedes-Benz G-Class - AR and Immersive Car Launch with Virgil Abloh
Visualise travelled to Stuttgart to capture the highly confidential collaboration between Gorden Wagener and Virgil Abloh - Project Gelandewagen.

Project Gelandewagen
Working with Mercedes-Benz, Builders Club and Karla Otto we helped to plan, capture and distribute this highly unusual car and launch.
People could not physically attend the launch due to CV-19 so the plan was to allow people to bring the launch in to their own homes, through immersive exploration online and crucially, placing the car in their own homes with augmented reality.
The picture to the left shows part of the interior 360 view from the web-player. The visible icons are ‘hotspots’ that can be clicked to allow you to see close up photos and alternative views of different parts of the car.
The exterior of the car was captured in studio in Stuttgart using a Leica lidar scanner and photogrammetry with a Nikon based camera setup. Over 5000 photos of the exterior of the car were combined with the lidar scan giving a huge resolution to the resulting model. This model was then used in the web app, Spark AR app and the presentation video.

This picture shows the car in studio and the global lighting setup we used to avoid shadows. Capturing the interior 360 and doing photogrammetry of the exterior both need a very flat lighting setup.
All of the interior 360s and exterior modeling was done in one night (capture) the post-production over the following weeks.
The Instagram AR filter produced allows you to place the car in your own environment, walk around it, look at it like it is right in front of you. To try the instagram filter yourself follow this link on mobile.