VOXI Unframed with Sigrid

Continuing the series of 360° music videos we’ve been creating for Global Group’s VOXI Big Top 40 chart show, next up to be featured was Norwegian singer & songwriter Sigrid.

Sigrid was captured on the Yi Halo, the second generation of Google’s Jump System. Uniquely, we mounted the camera upside down from the ceiling, allowing it to also capture the ground below. This meant Sigrid could perform much closer to the camera that we would normally allow, enhancing the 3D effect of the final image and adding a sense of intimacy to the video.

Global posted a ‘screen grab’ of the 360º video on their Facebook page (below) to drive traffic to the VOXI Unframed micro-site.

You can watch the first video in the VOXI Unframed series, featuring neo-soul singer Mullally, here.

Henry & Joe prepare the YiHalo for its 'upside down' shoot